The Art of the Taximi Understanding improvisation and modal scales, with Alekos Tsolakis, bouzouki Thursday 8th June 2023 @ The Cypriot Community Centre We will first introduce the tetrachords and pentachords (groups of notes) which are included within the basic folk scales. As the workshop progresses we will focus on ways of combining them to… Continue reading Exploring the musical world of Skarvelis and Peristeris
Tag: Workshop
The Greek violin for all!
The Greek violin for all! Violin workshop with Kyriakos Gouvendas Monday 12th June 2023 @ The Cypriot Community Centre This workshop will examine the learning process of traditional melodies followed by a classically trained violinist in comparison to a self-taught or traditionally trained violinist. Kyriakos Gouventas sets three areas of focus when learning a traditional… Continue reading The Greek violin for all!
Unlocking the bouzouki code!
Unlocking the bouzouki code! Bouzouki workshop with Fotis Vergopoulos Thursday 22th June 2023 @ The Cypriot Community Centre In this seminar we will try to approach a few different elements of the bouzouki itself and as a part of a whole band. We will do an introduction to the basics of the instrument (notes on… Continue reading Unlocking the bouzouki code!
“Havas” Rythmic and harmonic approach to the music of the makams
“Havas” Rythmic and harmonic approachto the music of the makams Guitar workshop with Kostas Kostakis Thursday 22th June 2023 @ The Cypriot Community Centre In the workshop, led by Kostas Kostakis, we will analyse and build rhythmic motifs and bass lines, typical of the Greek “Bassokitharo”. We will explore this using different rhythms such as… Continue reading “Havas” Rythmic and harmonic approach to the music of the makams